Parcours Actifs Ludique Mobiles

Sorry, this entry is only available in French. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Service ambulant d’animations et de prêt d’équipements multi-parcs, Le projet P.A.L.M. (Parcours Actifs Ludiques Mobiles) sera présent à Montréal dans les quartiers […]

Parcours de Sports & d’Arts Urbains

Parcours de Cirque Ludiqu’Art

Parcours d’Hébertisme Ludique

Parcours Ludique de Jeux & Sports Trad.

Fun Hebertism

A century after the invention of the “Natural Method” was developed by George Hebert, Le Moulin à vent Productions revisits traditional Herbetism through a playful and eclectic approach. Public spaces in search of innovation to encourage an active lifestyle are targeted for the implementation of our reinvented Hebertism course. It’s through the Games of the […]

The Great Adventure in Your Park

The Ephemeral Hebertism Circuit

Traditional Games & Sports Parks

Still absent in Quebec / Canada, the gaming venues specializing in the safeguarding and promotion of Traditional Sports and Games have been present on all other and promotion of Traditional Sports and Games have been present on all other continents for about thirty years. Discover some inspiring models here.

Models from here to elsewhere

Pilot Project Reflection

The concept of the House of Arts and Games that Le Moulin à vent Productions was testing in 2005 in Montreal needed green space for it. The company took over in 2007 for the Laurentians to test its City of World Games project. Discover the 1st version of this project.

2008-2009 Reflection